Occupational health and safety

AXC acts as main contractor and carries out its activities in such a way as to protect the health and safety of its workers, contractors, clients and the public by ensuring safe equipment and worksites.
All of our projects comply with the safety laws applicable, government policies and industry standards, all the while integrating safety measures to our project planning process.
In this regard, we develop a specific prevention program for each project that covers risk analyses, preventive measures and action plans such as training sessions, OHS meetings, procedures, resources and site organization. In addition to offering the expertise for the production of the program, our in-house prevention agents act as responders and see to its application on site while promoting health and safety, by assessing the risks, with the involvement of all contractors/stakeholders, and by auditing the activities.

The result of this health and safety involvement within our company is reflected in our exemplary OHS practices and statistics.

AXC encourages its employees to participate in the identification, prevention and removal of hazards and injury risks and to be responsible in the matter.

The ultimate health and safety goal of AXC is to have an incident-free work environment and avoid all accident-related losses.